Monday, July 30, 2012

Arsitektur Jaringan

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Arsitektur jaringan komputer merupakan tata cara penggunaan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak dalam jaringan agar satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya dapat melakukan komunikasi dan pertukaran data.
Keamanan sistem jaringan komputer adalah bagian tak terpisahkan dari keamanan sistem komputer sebuah organisasi secara keseluruhan, terutama dengan semakin berkembangnya Internet. Semakin banyak aplikasi pengguna yang berbasiskan pada jaringan komputer. Jika sebuah jaringan komputer tidak aman, maka sistem komputer pada organisasi tersebut juga tidak aman.

Ada tiga bentuk arsitektur yang umum digunakan dalam jaringan komputer yaitu,

  • Jaringan hybrid

Jaringan ini merupakan gabungan dari sifat pada jaringan peer to peer dan client/server. Workgroup yang terdiri dari beberapa komputer yang saling terhubung dapat mengelola sumber daya tanpa membutuhkan otorisasi dari administrator jaringan atau server. Pada jenis jaringan ini, terdapat pula sifat dari jaringan client / server sedemikian sehingga tingkat keamanan dapat lebih terjaga dan adanya server yang mempunyai suatu fungsi layanan tertentu, seperti sebagai file server, print server, database server, mail server, dan lainnya.

Sifat jaringan peer to peer digunakan untuk hubungan antara setiap komputer yang terhubung dalam jaringan komputer yang ada, sehingga komunikasi data terjadi antar komputer dengan hierarki yang sama karena setiap komputer dapat berfungsi sebagai server maupun klien. Sedangkan, sifat jaringan client/server digunakan untuk memfasilitasi setiap komputer dengan hubungan internet. Jadi, komputer server dihubungkan ke Internet Service Provider (ISP), sehingga komputer klien yang terhubung dalam jaringan juga dapat melakukan akses internet.

  • Jaringan peer to peer

Pada jaringan peer to peer, semua komputer memiliki posisi setara / sejajar, dalam hierarki yang sama. Setiap komputer dapat menjadi klien terhadap komputer peer lainnya, setiap komputer dapat pula berbagi sumber daya dengan komputer yang berada dalam jaringan peer-to-peer ini. Sumber daya diletakkan secara desentralisasi pada setiap anggota jaringan, dan tidak memerlukan administrator jaringan.

Aliran informasi bisa mengalir di antara dua komputer secara langsung, di mana pun. Namun, jaringan ini tidak sepenuhnya bebas tanpa kontrol, masih bisa digunakan password untuk memproteksi file dan folder, dapat juga diatur agar orang-orang tertentu tidak bisa menggunakan periferal tertentu.

Karena kemudahan pemasangan, pemeliharaan, serta biaya, jaringan ini lebih populer untuk jaringan dengan jumlah komputer yang sedikit (sekitar 2 sampai 20 komputer).

  • Jaringan client / server

Pada jaringan client/server, perangkat lunak yang mengontrol keseluruhan kerja jaringan berada pada server. Jaringan ini dapat menghubungkan ratusan komputer dengan tingkat keamanan yang tidak dimungkinkan dalam jaringan peer-to-peer.

Jaringan ini bisa diatur sehingga setiap klien harus log on ke server sebelum bisa memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terhubung ke server. Server lalu mengotentikasi klien dan memverifikasi bahwa komputer yang digunakan klien tersebut memiliki izin untuk log on ke jaringan, dengan memeriksa username dan password klien tersebut terhadap database pada server.

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Topologi Jaringan

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Topologi  menggambarkan  struktur  dari  suatu  jaringan  atau  bagaimana  sebuah jaringan didesain. Pola ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan metode access dan media pengiriman yang digunakan. Topologi yang ada sangatlah tergantung dengan letak geofrapis dari masing-masing terminal, kualitas kontrol yang dibutuhkan dalam komunikasi ataupun penyampaian pesan, serta kecepatan dari pengiriman data. Dalam definisi topologi terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu topologi fisik (physical topology) yang menunjukan posisi pemasangan kabel secara fisik dan topologi logik (logical topology) yang menunjukan bagaimana suatu media diakses oleh host.

Topologi jaringan ada beberapa bentuk sebagai berikut....

  • Topologi Bus

Topologi ini adalah topologi yang awal di gunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer. Dalam topologi ini masing masing komputer akan terhubung ke satu kabel panjang dengan beberapa terminal, dan pada akhir dari kable harus di akhiri dengan satu terminator. Topologi ini sudah sangat jarang digunakan didalam membangun jaringan komputer biasa karena memiliki beberapa kekurangan diantaranya kemungkinan terjadi nya tabrakan aliran data, jika salah satu perangkat putus atau terjadi kerusakan pada satu bagian komputer maka jaringan langsung tidak akan berfungsi sebelum kerusakan tersebut di atasi.

 Topologi Bus
Topologi ini awalnya menggunakan kable Coaxial sebagai media pengantar data dan informasi. Tapi pada saat ini topologi ini di dalam membangun jaringan komputer dengan menggunakan kabal serat optik ( fiber optic) akan tetapi digabungkan dengan topologi jaringan yang lain untuk memaksimalkan performanya.

  • Topologi Cincin

Topologi cincin atau yang sering disebut dengan ring topologi adalah topologi jaringan dimana setiap komputer yang terhubung membuat lingkaran. Dengan artian setiap komputer yang terhubung kedalam satu jaringan saling terkoneksi ke dua komputer lainnya sehingga membentuk satu jaringan yang sama dengan bentuk cincin.

 Topologi cincin
Adapun kelebihan dari topologi ini adalah kabel yang digunakan bisa lebih dihemat. Tetapi kekurangan dari topologi ini adalah pengembangan jaringan akan menjadi susah karena setiap komputer akan saling terhubung.

  • Topologi Token Ring

Topologi ini hampir sama dengan topologi ring akan tetapi pembuatannya lebih di sempurnakan. Bisa di lihat dari perbedaan gambar.

Didalam gambar jelas terlihat bagaimana pada token ring kable penghubung di buat menjadi lingkaran terlebih dahulu dan nantinya akan di buatkan terminal-terminal untuk masing-masing komputer dan perangkat lain.

  • Topologi Bintang

Topologi bintang atau yang lebih sering disebut dengan topologi star. Pada topologi ini kita sudah menggunakan bantuan alat lain untuk mengkoneksikan jaringan komputer. Contoh alat yang di pakai disini adalah hub, switch, dll.

Topologi Bintang

Pada gambar jelas terlihat satu hub berfungsi sebagai pusat penghubung komputer-komputer yang saling berhubungan. Keuntungan dari topologi ini sangat banyak sekali diantaranya memudahkan admin dalam mengelola jaringan, memudahkan dalam penambahan komputer atau terminal, kemudahan mendeteksi kerusakan dan kesalahan pada jaringan. Tetapi dengan banyak nya kelebihan bukan dengan artian topologi ini tanpa kekurangan. Kekurangannya diantaranya pemborosan terhadap kabel, kontrol yang terpusat pada hub terkadang jadi permasalahan kritis kalau seandainya terjadi kerusakan pada hub maka semua jaringan tidak akan bisa di gunakan.

  • Topologi pohon

Topologi pohon atau di sebut juga topologi hirarki dan bisa juga disebut topologi bertingkat merupakan topologi yang bisa di gunakan pada jaringan di dalam ruangan kantor yang bertingkat.

 Topologi Pohon

Pada gambar bisa kita lihat hubungan antar satu komputer dengan komputer lain merupakan percabangan dengan hirarki yang jelas.sentral pusat atau yang berada pada bagian paling atas merupakan sentral yang aktiv sedangkan sentral yang ada di bawahnya adalah sentral yang pasif.

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Istilah Jaringan Komputer

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Sobat, Kali ini saya akan mengeposkan tentang Istilah Jaringan Komputer.
Berikut adalah istilah tersebut....

  1. Protokol : protokol mendefinisikan sekelompok aturan dan sinyal yang digunakan oleh komputer pada jaringan untuk berkomunikasi. Protokol LAN yang paling populer adalah Ethernet. Protokol LAN lain yang banyak digunakan adalah IBM token-ring network.c. arsitektur: jaringan dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam arsitektur peer-to-peer atau client/server.
  2. NIC : NIC (network interface card) adalah expansion board yang digunakan supaya komputer dapat dihubungkan dengan jaringan. Sebagian besar NIC dirancang untuk jaringan, protokol, dan media tertentu. NIC biasa disebut dengan LAN card (Local Area Network Card).
  3. Backbone : Backbone adalah saluran atau koneksi berkecepatan tinggi yang menjadi lintasan utama dalam sebuah jaringan. Bandwidth : Bandwidth menunjukan kapasitas dalam membawa informasi. Istilah ini dapat digunakan dalam banyak hal: Telepon, jaringan kabel, bus, sinyal frekuensi radio, dan monitor. Paling tepat, bandwidth diukur dengan putaran perdetik (cycles per second), atau hertz (Hz), yaitu perbedaan antara frekuensi terendah dan tertinggi yang dapat ditransmisikan. Tetapi juga sering digunakan ukuran bit per second (bps).
  4. Bridge : Bridge adalah peranti yang meneruskan lalu lintas antara segmen jaringan berdasar informasi pada lapisan data link. Segmen ini mempunyai alamat lapisan jaringan yang sama. Setiap jaringan seharusnya hanya mempunyai sebuah bridge utama.
  5. DNS : DNS (domain name sistem) adalah sistem yang menerjemahkan domain Internet, seperti menjadi alamat Internet, yaitu serangkaian nomor yang terlihat seperti Istilah DNS berhubungan dengan konvensi untuk penamaan host pada Internet dan cara penangan nama-nama tersebut.
  6. Ethernet : Ethernet adalah protokol LAN yang dikembangkan oleh Xerox Corporation yang bekerjasama dengan DEC dan Intel pada tahun 1976. Ethernet menggunakan topologi bus atau star dan medukung transfer data sampai dengan 10 Mbps. Versi Ethernet yang lebih baru yang disebut 100Base-T (atau Fast Ethernet), mendukung transfer data sampai dengan 100 Mbps, dan versi terbarunya, Gigabit Ethernet, mendukung tranfer data sampai dengan 1 Gigabit per detik atau 1000 Mbps.
  7. Fast Ethernet : Fast Ethernet seperti Ethernet biasa, namun dengan kecepatan transfer data yang lebih cepat, sampai dengan 100 mbps. Ethernet ini juga disebut 100BaseT.
  8. Gateway : Istilah gateway merujuk kepada hardware atau software yang menjembatani dua aplikasi atau jaringan yang tidak kompatibel, sehingga data dapat ditransfer antar komputer yang berbeda-beda. Salah satu contoh penggunaan gateway adalah pada email, sehingga pertukaran email dapat dilakukan pada sistem yang berbeda.
  9. GPS : GPS (Global Positioning System ) adalah sistem navigasi menggunakan 24 satelit MEO (medium earth orbit atau middle earth orbit) yang mengelilingi bumi dan penerima-penerima di bumi. Satelit mengorbit pada ketinggian sekitar 12.000 mil di atas bumi dan mampu mengelilingi bumi dua kali dalam 24 jam. Satelit GPS secara kontinu mengirimkan sinyal radio digital yang mengandung data lokasi satelit dan waktu pada penerima yang berhubungan. Satelit GPS dilengkapi dengan jam atom dengan ketepatan satu per satu juta detik. Berdasar informasi ini, stasiun penerima mengetahui berapa lama waktu yang digunakan untuk mengirim sinyal sampai ke penerima di bumi. Semakin lama waktu yang digunakan untuk sampai ke penerima, semakin jauh posisi satelit dari stasiun penerima. dengan mengetahui posisi satelit, penerima mengetahui bahwa satelit terletak pada posisi tertentu pada permukaan bola imaginer yang berpusat pada satelit. Dengan menggunakan tiga satelit, GPS dapat menghitung lintang dan bujur penerima berdasar perpotongan ketiga bola imaginer. Dengan menggunakan empat satelit, dapat juga ditentukan ketinggian. GPS dikembangkan dan dioperasikan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika. GPS, asalnya dikenal dengan NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing and Ranging). Sebelum untuk keperluan yang lebih luas, GPS digunakan untuk menyediakan kemampuan navigasi sepanjang waktu dan dalam segala cuaca untuk militer darat, laut, dan angkatan udara. Disamping untuk navigasi dan penentuan posisi geografik, GPS dapat juga digunakan di antaranya untuk pemetaan, kehutanan, eksplorasi mineral, manajemen habitat liar, dan pengawasan perpindahan penduduk.
  10. Host : Host adalah sistem komputer yang diakses oleh pengguna yang bekerja pada lokasi yang jauh. Biasanya, istilah ini digunakan jika ada dua sistem komputer yang terhubung dengan modem dan saluran telepon. Sistem mengandung data yang disebut host, sedang sitem yang digunakan untuk mengases dari jarak jauh disebut remote terminal. Istilah host juga digunakan untuk menyebut komputer yang terhubung dengan jaringan TCP/IP, termasuk Internet. Setiap host mempunyai alamat IP yang unik. Selain itu, istilah host juga merujuk pada penyediaan infrastruktur layanan komputer. Sebagai contoh, banyak perusahaan yang menjadi host Web server, yang berarti bahwa perusahaan tersebut menyediakan hardware, software, dan saluran komunikasi yang dibutuhkan oleh server, tetapi isi server (data) dikendalikan oleh pihak lain. ISP (Internet Service Provider) : ISP (Internet service provider) adalah penyedia layanan Internet. Sebagian besar ISP mempunyai jaringan server (mail, berita, Web), router, modem yang dihubungkan dengan koneksi “backbone” Internet yang permanen dan berkecepatan tinggi. Pelanggan ISP dapat mendapatkan koneksi Internet dengan modem dan telepon. Untuk mengakses Internet pelanggan ISP harus melakukan dial ke jaringan dengan menekan nomor telepon tertentu milik ISP.
  11. Internet : Internet adalah jaringan global yang menghubungkan jutaan komputer. Sejak 1999 Internet telah memiliki 200 juta pemakai di seluruh dunia, dan jumlah ini meningkat cepat. Lebih dari 100 negara terhubung dengan Internet untuk menukar data, berita, dan informasi lainnya. Setiap komputer yang terhubung dengan Internet disebut host.
  12. ISDN : ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) adalah standard komunikasi internasional untuk pengiriman suara, video dan data melalui line telepon digital atau telepon kawat biasa. ISDN mempunyai kecepatan transfer data 64 Kbps. Sebagian besar saluran ISDN ditawarkan oleh perusahaan telepon yang memungkinkan dua saluran, yang disebut kanal B (B channel). Satu line dapat digunakan untuk suara dan yang lain untuk data lain dan keduanya mempunyai kecepatan transfer 128 Kbps. Versi awal ISDN menggunakan transmisi baseband. Versi lain ISDN, yaitu B-ISDN, menggunakan transmisi broadband dan dapat mendukung transmisi data dengan kecepatan 1,5 Mbps.
  13. Protocol (protokol) : Bahasa atau prosedur hubungan yang digunakan oleh satu sistem komputer dengan sistem lainnya sehingga antara keduanya dapat saling berhububngan. Untuk dapat berkomunikasi. Kedua system harus menggunakan protokol yang sama. PPP (Point To Point Protocol) : Protokol TCP/IP yang memungkinkan hubungan antara host dengan jaringan dan antara router dengan router atau dapat pula digunakan untuk hubungan serial antara 2 system.
  14. Repeater : Suatu perangkat yang dipasang di titik-titik tertentu dalam jaringan untuk memperbarui sinyal-sinyal yang di transmisikan agar mencapai kembali kekuatan dan bentuknya yang semula, guna memperpanjang jarak yang dapat di tempuh. Ini di perlukan karena sinyal-sinyal mengalami perlemahan dan perubahan bentuk selama transmisi.
  15. Router : Suatu perangkat yang berfungsi menghubungkan suatu LAN ke suatu internetworking/WAN dan mengelola penyaluran lalu-lintas data di dalamnya. Routing : Proses dari penentuan sebuah path yang di pakai untuk mengirim data ke tujuan tertentu.
  16. RJ-45 : RJ-45 (Registered Jack-45) adalah konektor delapan kabel yang biasanya digunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer ke sebuah local-area network (LAN), khususnya Ethernets. Konektor RJ-45 mirip dengan konektor RJ-11 yang digunakan dalam koneksi telepon, tetapi lebih besar.
  17. Server : Suatu unit yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan informasi dan untuk mengelola suatu jaringan komputer. Komputer server akan melayani seluruh client atau worstation yang terhubung ke jaringannya.
  18. TCP/IP : TCP/IP Transmission Control Protokol adalah dua buah protokol yang dikembangkan oleh militer AS yang memungkinkan komputer pada jaringan dapat saling berhubungan. IP digunakan untuk memindahkan paket data antarsimpul. TCP dugunakan untuk memverifikasi pengiriman dari client ke server. TCP/IP adalah dasar internet dan dapat ditemukan pada semua system operasi modern, seperti Unix dan Windows.
  19. Topologi : Dalam jaringan komputer topologi adalah bentuk pengaturan keterhubungan antar sistem komputer. terdapat bermacam-macam topologi seperti bus, star, ring.
  20. UTP : UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) adalah jenis kabel yang terdiri dari dua kawat tak terbungkus yang berpilin. Kabel UTP banyak digunakan pada local-area networks (LANs) dan sambungan telepon karena harganya lebih murah. Kabel UTP tidak sebaik kabel koaksial dan serat optik dalam hal penyediaan banwidth dan ketahanan terhadap interferensi.
  21. VLAN : VLAN (virtual local-area network) adalah jaringan komputer yang seakan terhubung menggunakan kabel yang sama meskipun mungkin secara fisik berada pada bagian LAN yang lain. VLAN dikonfigurasi melalui software dan tidak hardware, yang membuatnya sangat fleksible.Salah satu keunggulan VLAN adalah jika sebuah komputer secara fisik dipindah ke lokasi lain, komputer tersebut tetap pada VLAN yang sama tanpa melakukan konfigurasi ulang hardware
  22. VPN : VPN (virtual private network) adalah koneksi internet pribadi yang aman dan terenkripsi untuk menjamin bahwa hanya pengguna yang berhak yang dapat mengaksesnya dan trasfer data yang dilakukan tidak dapat diganggu.
  23. VSAT : VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) stasiun bumi yang digunakan pada satelit komunikasi sinyal data, suara, dan video, kecuali pemancaran televisi. VSAT terdiri dari dua bagian: sebuah transceiver yang diletakkan ditempat terbuka sehingga dapat secara langsung menerima sinyal dari satelit dan sebuah piranti yang diletakkan dalam ruangan untuk menghubungkan transceiver dan piranti komunikasi pengguna akhir(end user), seperti PC.Transceiver menerima dan mengirim sinyal ke transponder satelit diluar angkasa. Satelit mengirimkan dan menerima sinyal dari komputer stasiun bumi yang berfungsi sebagai hub sistem. Setiap pengguna yang saling terhubung dengan stasiunhub melewati satelit, membentuk topologi bintang. hub mengendalikan semua operasi pada jaringan. Semua transmisi untuk komunikasi antar pengguna harus melewati stasiunhub yang meneruskannya ke satelit dan kepengguna VSAT yang lain. VSAT dapat mengirimkan data sampai dengan kecepatan 56 Kbps.
  24. WAN : WAN wide area network adalah komputer yang terhubung berada pada tempat yang berjauhan dan hubungan dengan line telepon atau gelombang radio. Lihat juga artikel jaringan LAN.
  25. Wi-Fi : Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity adalah nama dagang resmi untuk IEEE 802.11b yang dibuat oleh Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Aliance (WECA). Istilah Wi-Fi menggantikan 802.11b seperti halnya istilah Ethernet menggantikan IEEE 802.3. Produk yang disertifikasi oleh WECA sebagai Wi-Fi dapat beroperasi bersama meskipun dibuat oleh perusahaan yang berbeda.
  26. Workstation : Pada jaringan komputer, workstation adalah komputer yang terhubung dengan sebuah local-area network (LAN).Istilah workstation juga digunakan untuk menyebut komputer yang digunakan untuk aplikasi teknik (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing, pengembangan software, dan aplikasi lainnya yang membutuhkan tingkat komputasi dan kemampuan grafis yang cukup tinggi.Workstation biasanya terdiri dari layar grafik yang besar dengan revolusi tinggi, RAM minimal 64 MB, dukungan jaringan built-in, dan graphical user interface.Sebagian besar workstation juga mempunyai piranti penyimpanan seperti disk drive, tetapi jenis workstation khusus, yang disebut diskless workstation, tidak mempunyai disk drive. Sistem operasi yang banyak digunakan untuk workstation adalah UNIX dan windows NT. Seperti halnya PC, sebagian besar workstation adalah komputer single user, Meski demikian, workstation pada dasarnya dihubungkan dengan local area network, meskipun dapat juga sebgian sistem yang berdiri sendiri stand alone.
  27. 100BaseT : 100BaseT adalah nama lain fast Ethernet yang mempunyai kecepatan transmisi sampai dengan 100 mbps. Jenis 100BaseT ini lebih mahal daripada 10BaseT dan lebih jarang digunakan pada local area network (LAN).
  28. 10Base2 : 10Base2 adalah satu jenis standar Ethernet ( IEEE802.3) untuk lokal area network ( LAN ). Standard 10 Base-2 ( yang juga disebut Thinnet )menggunakan kabel koasial 50 ohm ( RG-58A/U ) dengan panjang maksimal 185 meter.kabel ini lebih kecil dan lebih flesibel daripada yang digunakan untuk standard 10 Base 5. Sistem 10 Base-2 beroperasi pada 10 Mbps dan menggunakan metode tranmisi baseband.
  29. 10 Base5 : 10 Base-5 adalah standard awal untuk Ethernet yang menggunakan kabel koasial. nama 10 Base5 didasarkan pada fakta bahwa kecepatan transfer data maksimum adalah 10 Mbps. menggunakan transmisi Baseband, dan panjang kabel maksimal adalah 500 meter. 10 Base5 juga disebut Thick Wire atau thick Net.
  30. 10BaseT : 10BaseT adalah jenis Ethernet yang paling umum. Nama tersebut menunjukan bahwa kecepatan transmisi maksimum adalah 10Mbps. 10BaseT menggunakan kabel tembaga dan merupakan card standard untuk menghubungkan komputer pada lokal area network (LAN).
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Jaringan LAN

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Jaringan LAN adalah istilah kebanyakan orang indonesia yang maksudnya adalah Jaringan Wilayah Lokal atau dalam bahasa inggris LAN (Lokal Area Network), yaitu jaringan komputer yang hanya mencakup wilayah kecil, seperti jaringan komputer kampus, warnet, gedung, kantor, dalam rumah, sekolah atau yang lebih kecil.

Saat ini kebanyakan LAN berbasis pada teknologi IEEE 802.3 Ethernet menggunakan perangkat hub atau switch, yang mempunyai kecepatan transfer data 10, 100, atau 1000 Mbit/s. Selain teknologi Ethernet, saat ini teknologi 802.11b (atau biasa disebut Wi-fi) juga sering digunakan untuk membentuk LAN. Tempat-tempat yang menyediakan koneksi LAN dengan teknologi Wi-fi biasa disebut hotspot. Biasanya LAN dengan teknologi Wi-fi sudah diterapkan ditempat-tempat seperti mal, cafe, kampus dll.

Pada sebuah LAN, setiap node atau komputer mempunyai daya komputasi sendiri. Setiap komputer juga dapat mengakses sumber daya yang ada di LAN sesuai dengan hak akses yang telah diatur. Sumber daya tersebut dapat berupa data atau perangkat seperti printer atau scanner. Pada LAN, seorang pengguna juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna yang lain dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang sesuai.

LAN mempunyai karakteristik sebagai berikut :
1. Mempunyai pesat data yang lebih tinggi
2. Meliputi wilayah geografi yang lebih sempit
3. Tidak membutuhkan jalur telekomunikasi yang disewa dari operator telekomunikasi

Biasanya salah satu komputer di antara jaringan komputer itu akan digunakan menjadi server yang mengatur semua sistem di dalam jaringan tersebut. Dan jika server itu dihubungkan ke internet, semua komputer dalam jaringan LAN tersebut bisa ikut terhubung ke internet hanya dengan satu modem di server.
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Pengertian dari Jaringan komputer

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Pengertian dari Jaringan komputer adalah sekumpulan komputer, serta perangkat-perangkat lain pendukung komputer yang saling terhubung dalam suatu kesatuan. Media jaringan komputer dapat melalui kabel-kabel atau tanpa kabel sehingga memungkinkan pengguna jaringan komputer dapat saling melakukan pertukaran informasi, seperti dokumen dan data, dapat juga melakukan pencetakan pada printer yang sama dan bersama-sama memakai perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang terhubung dengan jaringan. Setiap komputer, ataupun perangkat-perangkat yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan disebut dengan node. Dalam sebuah jaringan komputer dapat mempunyai dua, puluhan, ribuan atau bahkan jutaan node.

Jaringan Komputer adalah sekelompok komputer otonom yang saling berhubungan antara satu dengan lainnya menggunakan protokol komunikasi melalui media komunikasi sehingga dapat saling berbagi informasi, program – program, penggunaan bersama perangkat keras seperti printer, harddisk, dan sebagainya. Selain itu jaringan komputer bisa diartikan sebagai kumpulan sejumlah terminal komunikasi yang berada diberbagai lokasi yang terdiri dari lebih satu komputer yang saling berhubungan.

Manfaat yang didapat dalam membangun jaringan komputer, yaitu :

  •  Sharing resources

Sharing resources bertujuan agar seluruh program, peralatan atau peripheral lainnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh setiap orang yang ada pada jaringan komputer tanpa terpengaruh oleh lokasi maupun pengaruh dari pemakai.

  • Media Komunikasi

Jaringan komputer memungkinkan terjadinya komunikasi antar pengguna, baik untuk teleconference maupun untuk mengirim pesan atau informasi yang penting lainnya.

  •  Integrasi Data

Jaringan komputer dapat mencegah ketergantungan pada komputer pusat, karena setiap proses data tidak harus dilakukan pada satu komputer saja, melainkan dapat didistribusikan ke tempat lainnya. Oleh sebab inilah maka dapat terbentuk data yang terintegrasi yang memudahkan pemakai untuk memperoleh dan mengolah informasi setiap saat.

  • Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan

Pengembangan peralatan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan menghemat biaya, karena setiap pembelian komponen seperti printer, maka tidak perlu membeli printer sejumlah komputer yang ada tetapi cukup satu buah karena printer itu dapat digunakan secara bersama – sama. Jaringan komputer juga memudahkan pemakai dalam merawat harddisk dan peralatan lainnya, misalnya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap serangan virus maka pemakai cukup memusatkan perhatian pada harddisk yang ada pada komputer pusat.

  • Keamanan Data

Sistem Jaringan Komputer dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap data. Karena pemberian dan pengaturan hak akses kepada para pemakai, serta teknik perlindungan terhadap harddisk sehingga data mendapatkan perlindungan yang efektif.

  •  Sumber Daya Lebih Efisien dan Informasi Terkini

Dengan pemakaian sumber daya secara bersama – sama, akan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan kualitas yang tinggi. Selain itu data atau informasi yang diakses selalu terbaru, karena setiap ada perubahan yang terjadi dapat segera langsung diketahui oleh setiap pemakai.


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Template Gratis (Two)

0 komentar
1. No-Boundaries




6.Games Max
Atau pilih disini.

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Template Gratis (One)

0 komentar
1.No Boundaries
live demo
2. With Rainbows
live demo

3.A La Mode
live demo

4.Beauty of Beautie
live demo

5. Roll with It
live demo

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Cara Membuat Tulisan ™

0 komentar

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi ilmu kepada sobat, meskipun simple, tapi ini sulit dilakukan. Yaitu mengetik TM kecil contohnya seperti ini , Untuk itu bagi sobat yang tertarik boleh untuk mengikuti solusi saya di bawah ini :
Nyalakan NUM LOCK pada keyboard..
Setelah ON,
sambil menahan tombol ALT,
(pada lokasi kumpulan angka di keyboard sebelah kanan) ketik 0153,
lalu lepaskan tombol ALT.

Hasilnya akan seperti ini :

Karakter lainnya dapat ditemukan pada Character Map.

  1. Klik START MENU,
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Ukur Harga Web Anda

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Setelah bertahun tahun membuat blog, jadi saya penasaran berapa harga blog saya setelah bertahun - tahun bekerja keras membangun blog ini.
Untuk itu saya browsing dan mencari informasi untuk mengetahui harga blog ini. Berdasarkan hasil telusuran saya saya menemukan 3 tempat untuk mengetahui harga sebuah blog. 

Mari kita cek.

Mungkin dari ketiga website yang akan saya berikan website ini yang menggunakan logika yang paling masuk akal. Perhitungan yang dilakukan oleh website ini berdasarkan dari data yang kita input sendiri, salah satu data yang diminta ialah jumlah pengunjung blog pada bulan terakhir. Silakan bisa dicek dan dilihat sendiri ke websitenya langsung untuk mengetahui harga blog anda

Website selanjutnya yang saya jadikan referensi adalah website ini, karena saya enggak usah memasukkan data data hanya tinggal memasukkan nama domain saja. Biarkan website ini yang menghitungnya. Wah lumayan juga tuh kalau ada yang mau beli blog ini dengan harga segitu. Bisa buat nambah domain banyak deh. Website ini mengandalkan bantuan data dari alexa untuk memberikan penilaian yang terbaik.


Contohnya yang saya pakai dalam blog saya.....

Blog Money Valuation

My blog has been valued at...

Blog Valuation Tool from
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cara Update Di Like Banyak Orang Dengan Aplikasi

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Pada kali ini saya akan mempostingkan tentang Cara Update Di Like Banyak Orang Dengan Aplikasi. powerlike is come back -cara update status di like ratusan bahkan ribuan orang,cara update status di like banyak orang
◘ Langsung ini dia caranipun :
[1] Buka Facebook

[2] Izinkan Subscribe di Facebook Anda

- Masuk Link : Subscribe-

[3] Klik Izinkan yang Ada di Sana

[4] Jika Sudah . Masuk ke Link Ini :

- Masuk Link : 

-lalu jika sudah klik get acces token here
-muncul kayakdi bawah ini

click here on this gambar...

[5] Maka Anda Mendapatkan Access Token

[6] Maka Kamu Akan Mendapatkan Link Seperti Ini Bukan ??

Link :
[7] Copy Access Tokennya . Maka Link Menjadi :


[8] Update Status Apa Ajha Dengan Privasi Public
[9] Selanjutnya Anda Buka Link Berikut

- Masuk Link : Power Like -

[10] Pastekan Access Token Kamu Disana

[11] Tekan Enter

[12] Selanjutnya Klik "Powerlike V.1"

[13] dan Klik "Powerlike"

[14] Tunggu Sampai Selesai .

[15] dan Lihat yang Like Statusmu Ratusan orang .

NB :

[-] Untuk Melakukan Tutor Ini , Harap Ubah Tahun Kelahiran Kalian di Facebook Menjadi 1994

[-] Powerlike dan Priviasi Public , Harus Memiliki Account Facebook yang Data²nya Berumur 18 Tahun Keatas

Tapi ingat ada bahaya dari acces token...
Lihat disini!!!

jangan lupa follow aku ya....
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exam Results – Final Exam for Ch 11-16 – IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software – Version 4.1

12 komentar

What is one advantage of a solid state drive?
– less prone to failure than a traditional drive
A customer has spilled some liquid into the laptop keyboard. The laptop appears to function properly except for the keys. After cleaning the keyboard, the technician tests the keyboard and it still has failing keys. What are two possible actions the technician could take? (Choose two.)
– Replace the keyboard.
– Use an external keyboard until the laptop keyboard is replaced
A user mentions that the Photoshop application has been recently installed on a laptop and that the laptop runs slowly when Photoshop is running. The computer technician checks on the laptop and notices that while the laptop responds normally when it is being used to surf the web, the hard disk light is constantly on when Photoshop is running. What is the most likely cause of the excessive hard disk activity?
– disk fragmentation
Which authentication technology uses a physical characteristic of the user in conjunction with a password?
– biometrics
A junior technician finds preventive maintenance very boring and would prefer to fix real problems. However, what is the most important reason for the company that the preventive maintenance be done?
– Preventive maintenance helps to protect the computer equipment against future problems.
A new technician has joined the IT team and is about to service a heavy printer. Which two precautions should be taken to avoid any injury when transporting the heavy printer to the service area? (Choose two.)
– Avoid lifting the equipment using the strength in your back
– Lift the equipment using the strength in your legs and knees
Which two-factor identification method requires a user to use a small radio transmitting device and then enter a password in order for the authentication to be accepted?
– smart key
The ABC Company sales force has been provided with smartphones and portable printers as shown in the graphic. Which two short-range technologies can support these types of devices? (Choose two.)
– Bluetooth
– Infrared
Which two wireless configuration features make it harder for a hacker to see and attach to a wireless network? (Choose two.)
– Disabling SSID broadcasts.
– Configuring MAC address filtering.
What is the issue if the status of a hard disk drive shows as “Unreadable” in the Disk Management utility?
– The drive has input/output errors, has a hardware failure, or is corrupt.
A technician needs to stop the print spooler on a Windows XP computer because the printer has failed. Which set of commands should the technician follow?
– Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >Computer Management. Choose Services.
After checking that a new ink jet printer has new ink cartridges, that dry paper has been installed as recommended by manufacturer, and that the latest printer driver has been installed, a technician notes that the printer still fails to produce any output. Which three actions could possibly resolve this problem? (Choose three.)
– Check and secure the cables.
– Set the printer to Resume Printing.
– Ensure that the printer is powered on.
A technician has installed new RAM in a laptop. When restarted the laptop emitted a long beep. What are two possible causes and solutions for this problem? (Choose two.)
– The laptop BIOS should be upgraded when installing the RAM.
– The new RAM is defective and must be replaced.
A technician has received several reports from employees about receiving e-mail from websites that request private bank information. Which type of security should be implemented to block employees from accessing these suspicious websites?
– phishing protection
A user is experiencing problems with a new removable external drive. What two checks should a technician perform to ensure that a removable external drive will be recognized by a computer? (Choose two.)
– Ensure that the correct drivers are installed.
– Check that the external ports are enabled in the BIOS settings.
A temporary user is trying to log in to a computer that the same user used last month, but now is unable to complete the login process. What are two possible causes of the failed login? (Choose two.)
The user does not have the rights to log in.
– The user account has been disabled.
– The user is using an incorrect username or password.
A network technician is installing network service in a new office. What is the distance limitation of a single data run for UTP cabling without adding networking devices?
– 330 ft (100 m)
What could be the possible solution to the Windows Vista search feature taking longer than expected to find results?
– Change the settings of the Index service in the Advanced Options panel.
What is the purpose of the setupmgr.exe file?
– It helps prepare an answer file to automate the installation of Windows XP.
A computer had updates installed and was rebooted. Nothing is displaying on the monitor that is connected to the computer. What could the technician do to reset the monitor settings?
– Use the F8 key.
A laptop less than six months old shuts down after about 30 minutes of operation. When the AC power adapter is connected, the laptop continues to shutdown after a short period of operation each time the laptop is restarted. What should be recommended as a solution?
– The laptop power scheme is set to an unsuitable environment. Have the customer adjust the power scheme through the control panel.
Which external connection technology would a technician choose for a customer who wants to connect a device capable of a data transfer rate of 700 Mb/s to a computer?
– IEEE 1394b (Firewire)
A Windows XP computer that once had three operating systems installed now has only one operating system. However, when the computer boots up, the user is still presented with a choice between the old systems and XP. Which path allows the user to make changes to the BOOT.INI file?
– Click Start. Right click My Computer. Choose Properties. Choose the Advanced tab. Click Settings in the Startup and Recovery area. Click Edit.
A technician has been performing routine preventive maintenance on a PC. After maintenance is performed and the PC and monitor are turned on, the monitor displays a black screen. The technician does a visual inspection and determines that there are two video ports at the back of the PC. What possible problem should the technician investigate first?
– The monitor was damaged during cleaning.
What is different about the default location for user files in Windows Vista compared to Windows XP?
– The default location for user files in Windows Vista is within a user-specific subfolder in the Users folder.
In a networking class, the instructor tells the students to ping the other computers from the command prompt. Why do all pings in the class fail?
-The Windows firewall is blocking the ping.
Refer to the exhibit. A customer purchased a computer three years ago and needs to add a second hard drive. The computer has the internal and external ports listed in the exhibit. Which solution would be the best if optimal performance is the deciding factor?
-Attach a hard drive to an internal SATA port.
Why does a technician wear an antistatic wrist strap?
-to prevent damage to electronic components inside the computer
A technician uses an application to capture packets on the network. One such capture reveals the password that is used by a person in the classroom to initiate a Telnet session with a school network device. What recommendation could the technician make to the person who is using Telnet?
-If possible, enable the network device to use SSH instead of Telnet.
Which Windows protocol enables a technician at company headquarters to view the screen and control the mouse and keyboard of a computer in a branch office?
-Remote Desktop Protocol
A technician is compiling a company computer support training manual. One of the utilities that is described in the manual is Sysprep. What is the purpose of this utility?
-It prepares a computer for imaging.
A user wants to upgrade the video adapter in a computer. What is the first issue the user should consider when selecting a newer video adapter?
-Is there an available compatible expansion slot on the motherboard?
A customer requires a computer storage system that uses no more than two drives to provide drive redundancy and the highest possible performance. Which type of RAID should the technician install?
-RAID level 0 – data striping
Which would be a reason to update the BIOS of a computer?
-A computer being prepared for an upgrade is found to lack support for newer hardware devices
Which statement best describes how telephone calls are carried over data networks and the Internet?
-Analog voice signals are converted into digital information that is transported in IP packets
Using RIS, a technician is having difficulties performing a remote installation. Which two problems would cause the remote installations to fail? (Choose two.)
-The unattend.txt file is corrupted
-The network shared folder that holds the OS files is not accessible.
A user on the network needs to be able to add and remove files in a shared folder on an NTFS-formatted server. Users should never be allowed to assume ownership of the shared folder. Which permission should the administrator assign to the user?
A technician is working on a networked computer that has an IP address of and no Internet access. What could the technician do to remedy the problem?
-Reload TCP/IP on the computer.

1. What is one advantage of a solid state drive?
– less prone to failure than a traditional drive
A customer has spilled some liquid into the laptop keyboard. The laptop appears to function properly except for the keys. After cleaning the keyboard, the technician tests the keyboard and it still has failing keys. What are two possible actions the technician could take? (Choose two.)
– Replace the keyboard.
– Use an external keyboard until the laptop keyboard is replaced
A user mentions that the Photoshop application has been recently installed on a laptop and that the laptop runs slowly when Photoshop is running. The computer technician checks on the laptop and notices that while the laptop responds normally when it is being used to surf the web, the hard disk light is constantly on when Photoshop is running. What is the most likely cause of the excessive hard disk activity?
– disk fragmentation
Which authentication technology uses a physical characteristic of the user in conjunction with a password?
– biometrics
A junior technician finds preventive maintenance very boring and would prefer to fix real problems. However, what is the most important reason for the company that the preventive maintenance be done?
– Preventive maintenance helps to protect the computer equipment against future problems.
A new technician has joined the IT team and is about to service a heavy printer. Which two precautions should be taken to avoid any injury when transporting the heavy printer to the service area? (Choose two.)
– Avoid lifting the equipment using the strength in your back
– Lift the equipment using the strength in your legs and knees
Which two-factor identification method requires a user to use a small radio transmitting device and then enter a password in order for the authentication to be accepted?
– smart key
The ABC Company sales force has been provided with smartphones and portable printers as shown in the graphic. Which two short-range technologies can support these types of devices? (Choose two.)
– Bluetooth
– Infrared
Which two wireless configuration features make it harder for a hacker to see and attach to a wireless network? (Choose two.)
– Disabling SSID broadcasts.
– Configuring MAC address filtering.
What is the issue if the status of a hard disk drive shows as “Unreadable” in the Disk Management utility?
– The drive has input/output errors, has a hardware failure, or is corrupt.
A technician needs to stop the print spooler on a Windows XP computer because the printer has failed. Which set of commands should the technician follow?
– Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >Computer Management. Choose Services.
After checking that a new ink jet printer has new ink cartridges, that dry paper has been installed as recommended by manufacturer, and that the latest printer driver has been installed, a technician notes that the printer still fails to produce any output. Which three actions could possibly resolve this problem? (Choose three.)
– Check and secure the cables.
– Set the printer to Resume Printing.
– Ensure that the printer is powered on.
A technician has installed new RAM in a laptop. When restarted the laptop emitted a long beep. What are two possible causes and solutions for this problem? (Choose two.)
– The laptop BIOS should be upgraded when installing the RAM.
– The new RAM is defective and must be replaced.
A technician has received several reports from employees about receiving e-mail from websites that request private bank information. Which type of security should be implemented to block employees from accessing these suspicious websites?
– phishing protection
A user is experiencing problems with a new removable external drive. What two checks should a technician perform to ensure that a removable external drive will be recognized by a computer? (Choose two.)
– Ensure that the correct drivers are installed.
– Check that the external ports are enabled in the BIOS settings.
A temporary user is trying to log in to a computer that the same user used last month, but now is unable to complete the login process. What are two possible causes of the failed login? (Choose two.)
The user does not have the rights to log in.
– The user account has been disabled.
– The user is using an incorrect username or password.
A network technician is installing network service in a new office. What is the distance limitation of a single data run for UTP cabling without adding networking devices?
– 330 ft (100 m)
What could be the possible solution to the Windows Vista search feature taking longer than expected to find results?
– Change the settings of the Index service in the Advanced Options panel.
What is the purpose of the setupmgr.exe file?
– It helps prepare an answer file to automate the installation of Windows XP.
A computer had updates installed and was rebooted. Nothing is displaying on the monitor that is connected to the computer. What could the technician do to reset the monitor settings?
– Use the F8 key.
A laptop less than six months old shuts down after about 30 minutes of operation. When the AC power adapter is connected, the laptop continues to shutdown after a short period of operation each time the laptop is restarted. What should be recommended as a solution?
– The laptop power scheme is set to an unsuitable environment. Have the customer adjust the power scheme through the control panel.
Which external connection technology would a technician choose for a customer who wants to connect a device capable of a data transfer rate of 700 Mb/s to a computer?
– IEEE 1394b (Firewire)
A Windows XP computer that once had three operating systems installed now has only one operating system. However, when the computer boots up, the user is still presented with a choice between the old systems and XP. Which path allows the user to make changes to the BOOT.INI file?
– Click Start. Right click My Computer. Choose Properties. Choose the Advanced tab. Click Settings in the Startup and Recovery area. Click Edit.
A technician has been performing routine preventive maintenance on a PC. After maintenance is performed and the PC and monitor are turned on, the monitor displays a black screen. The technician does a visual inspection and determines that there are two video ports at the back of the PC. What possible problem should the technician investigate first?
– The monitor was damaged during cleaning.
What is different about the default location for user files in Windows Vista compared to Windows XP?
– The default location for user files in Windows Vista is within a user-specific subfolder in the Users folder.
In a networking class, the instructor tells the students to ping the other computers from the command prompt. Why do all pings in the class fail?
-The Windows firewall is blocking the ping.
Refer to the exhibit. A customer purchased a computer three years ago and needs to add a second hard drive. The computer has the internal and external ports listed in the exhibit. Which solution would be the best if optimal performance is the deciding factor?
-Attach a hard drive to an internal SATA port.
Why does a technician wear an antistatic wrist strap?
-to prevent damage to electronic components inside the computer
A technician uses an application to capture packets on the network. One such capture reveals the password that is used by a person in the classroom to initiate a Telnet session with a school network device. What recommendation could the technician make to the person who is using Telnet?
-If possible, enable the network device to use SSH instead of Telnet.
Which Windows protocol enables a technician at company headquarters to view the screen and control the mouse and keyboard of a computer in a branch office?
-Remote Desktop Protocol
A technician is compiling a company computer support training manual. One of the utilities that is described in the manual is Sysprep. What is the purpose of this utility?
-It prepares a computer for imaging.
A user wants to upgrade the video adapter in a computer. What is the first issue the user should consider when selecting a newer video adapter?
-Is there an available compatible expansion slot on the motherboard?
A customer requires a computer storage system that uses no more than two drives to provide drive redundancy and the highest possible performance. Which type of RAID should the technician install?
-RAID level 0 – data striping
Which would be a reason to update the BIOS of a computer?
-A computer being prepared for an upgrade is found to lack support for newer hardware devices
Which statement best describes how telephone calls are carried over data networks and the Internet?
-Analog voice signals are converted into digital information that is transported in IP packets
Using RIS, a technician is having difficulties performing a remote installation. Which two problems would cause the remote installations to fail? (Choose two.)
-The unattend.txt file is corrupted
-The network shared folder that holds the OS files is not accessible.
A user on the network needs to be able to add and remove files in a shared folder on an NTFS-formatted server. Users should never be allowed to assume ownership of the shared folder. Which permission should the administrator assign to the user?
A technician is working on a networked computer that has an IP address of and no Internet access. What could the technician do to remedy the problem?
-Reload TCP/IP on the computer.
A user calls the help desk to report that a PC displays an error message on the screen that indicates certain system files are missing or corrupted. The computer technician suspects that some system files have been accidentally deleted or that the system files are corrupted. Which command should the computer technician perform on the PC to restore protected system files with known good versions?

  • defrag
  • msconfig
  • chkdsk
  • sfc /scannow
  • find this question

7. Which two-factor identification method requires a user to use a small radio transmitting device and then enter a password in order for the authentication to be accepted?
*Security Key Fob.
13. A technician has installed new RAM in a laptop. When restarted the laptop emitted a long beep. What are two possible causes and solutions for this problem? (Choose two.)
*The new RAM is defective and must be replaced
*Something about it not being installed properly
21. A laptop less than six months old shuts down after about 30 minutes of operation. When the AC power adapter is connected, the laptop continues to shutdown after a short period of operation each time the laptop is restarted. What should be recommended as a solution?
*Something about hard surface and Ventilation
24. A technician has been performing routine preventive maintenance on a PC. After maintenance is performed and the PC and monitor are turned on, the monitor displays a black screen. The technician does a visual inspection and determines that there are two video ports at the back of the PC. What possible problem should the technician investigate first?
*something like Video connector is disabled
33. A customer requires a computer storage system that uses no more than two drives to provide drive redundancy and the highest possible performance. Which type of RAID should the technician install?
*Raid 1 – Data mirroring
36. Using RIS, a technician is having difficulties performing a remote installation. Which two problems would cause the remote installations to fail? (Choose two.)
*The network shared folder that holds the OS files is not accessible.
*Something about PXE Nic card.
38. A technician is working on a networked computer that has an IP address of and no Internet access. What could the technician do to remedy the problem?
*Something like Run the ipconfig /renew
What is the purpose of wearing an antistatic wrist strap?
– to equalize the electrical charge between the user and the equipment
When analyzing a protocol used on the network, it is discovered that multicast messages are being sent to network devices. Which class of IP addressing is being used to send these messages?
– D
Fans that are used to help cool a system are commonly placed on which two components? (Choose two.)
– video card
When installing a service pack or security patches on an operating system, what should be done to protect the system in the event of a faulty or aborted installation?
– Create a restore point.
What are two network requirements necessary to establish a VPN connection between a remote computer and a private company LAN? (Choose two.)
– Internet access
– VPN client
An employee is receiving e-mail from unknown banks asking for username and password information. Which type of security attack is the employee experiencing?
– phishing
7. Which two-factor identification method requires a user to use a small radio transmitting device and then enter a password in order for the authentication to be accepted?
*Security Key Fob.
The ABC Company sales force has been provided with smartphones and portable printers as shown in the graphic. Which two short-range technologies can support these types of devices? (Choose two.)
– Bluetooth
– Infrared
Which two wireless configuration features make it harder for a hacker to see and attach to a wireless network? (Choose two.)
– Disabling SSID broadcasts.
– Configuring MAC address filtering.
What is the issue if the status of a hard disk drive shows as “Unreadable” in the Disk Management utility?
– The drive has input/output errors, has a hardware failure, or is corrupt.
A technician needs to stop the print spooler on a Windows XP computer because the printer has failed. Which set of commands should the technician follow?
– Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >Computer Management. Choose Services.
After checking that a new ink jet printer has new ink cartridges, that dry paper has been installed as recommended by manufacturer, and that the latest printer driver has been installed, a technician notes that the printer still fails to produce any output. Which three actions could possibly resolve this problem? (Choose three.)
– Check and secure the cables.
– Set the printer to Resume Printing.
– Ensure that the printer is powered on.
13. A technician has installed new RAM in a laptop. When restarted the laptop emitted a long beep. What are two possible causes and solutions for this problem? (Choose two.)
*The new RAM is defective and must be replaced
*Something about it not being installed properly
A technician has received several reports from employees about receiving e-mail from websites that request private bank information. Which type of security should be implemented to block employees from accessing these suspicious websites?
– phishing protection
A user is experiencing problems with a new removable external drive. What two checks should a technician perform to ensure that a removable external drive will be recognized by a computer? (Choose two.)
– Ensure that the correct drivers are installed.
– Check that the external ports are enabled in the BIOS settings.
A temporary user is trying to log in to a computer that the same user used last month, but now is unable to complete the login process. What are two possible causes of the failed login? (Choose two.)
The user does not have the rights to log in.
– The user account has been disabled.
– The user is using an incorrect username or password.
A network technician is installing network service in a new office. What is the distance limitation of a single data run for UTP cabling without adding networking devices?
– 330 ft (100 m)
What could be the possible solution to the Windows Vista search feature taking longer than expected to find results?
– Change the settings of the Index service in the Advanced Options panel.
What is the purpose of the setupmgr.exe file?
– It helps prepare an answer file to automate the installation of Windows XP.
A computer had updates installed and was rebooted. Nothing is displaying on the monitor that is connected to the computer. What could the technician do to reset the monitor settings?
– Use the F8 key.
21. A laptop less than six months old shuts down after about 30 minutes of operation. When the AC power adapter is connected, the laptop continues to shutdown after a short period of operation each time the laptop is restarted. What should be recommended as a solution?
*Something about hard surface and Ventilation
Which external connection technology would a technician choose for a customer who wants to connect a device capable of a data transfer rate of 700 Mb/s to a computer?
– IEEE 1394b (Firewire)
A Windows XP computer that once had three operating systems installed now has only one operating system. However, when the computer boots up, the user is still presented with a choice between the old systems and XP. Which path allows the user to make changes to the BOOT.INI file?
– Click Start. Right click My Computer. Choose Properties. Choose the Advanced tab. Click Settings in the Startup and Recovery area. Click Edit.
24. A technician has been performing routine preventive maintenance on a PC. After maintenance is performed and the PC and monitor are turned on, the monitor displays a black screen. The technician does a visual inspection and determines that there are two video ports at the back of the PC. What possible problem should the technician investigate first?
*something like Video connector is disabled
What is different about the default location for user files in Windows Vista compared to Windows XP?
– The default location for user files in Windows Vista is within a user-specific subfolder in the Users folder.
In a networking class, the instructor tells the students to ping the other computers from the command prompt. Why do all pings in the class fail?
-The Windows firewall is blocking the ping.
Refer to the exhibit. A customer purchased a computer three years ago and needs to add a second hard drive. The computer has the internal and external ports listed in the exhibit. Which solution would be the best if optimal performance is the deciding factor?
-Attach a hard drive to an internal SATA port.
Why does a technician wear an antistatic wrist strap?
-to prevent damage to electronic components inside the computer
A technician uses an application to capture packets on the network. One such capture reveals the password that is used by a person in the classroom to initiate a Telnet session with a school network device. What recommendation could the technician make to the person who is using Telnet?
-If possible, enable the network device to use SSH instead of Telnet.
Which Windows protocol enables a technician at company headquarters to view the screen and control the mouse and keyboard of a computer in a branch office?
-Remote Desktop Protocol
A technician is compiling a company computer support training manual. One of the utilities that is described in the manual is Sysprep. What is the purpose of this utility?
-It prepares a computer for imaging.
A user wants to upgrade the video adapter in a computer. What is the first issue the user should consider when selecting a newer video adapter?
-Is there an available compatible expansion slot on the motherboard?
33. A customer requires a computer storage system that uses no more than two drives to provide drive redundancy and the highest possible performance. Which type of RAID should the technician install?
*Raid 1 – Data mirroring
Which would be a reason to update the BIOS of a computer?
-A computer being prepared for an upgrade is found to lack support for newer hardware devices
Which statement best describes how telephone calls are carried over data networks and the Internet?
-Analog voice signals are converted into digital information that is transported in IP packets
36. Using RIS, a technician is having difficulties performing a remote installation. Which two problems would cause the remote installations to fail? (Choose two.)
   *The network shared folder that holds the OS files is not accessible.
   *Something about PXE Nic card.
A user on the network needs to be able to add and remove files in a shared folder on an NTFS-formatted server. Users should never be allowed to assume ownership of the shared folder. Which permission should the administrator assign to the user?

  • -modify

38. A technician is working on a networked computer that has an IP address of and no Internet access. What could the technician do to remedy the problem?

  • *Something like Run the ipconfig /renew

A technician is trying to explain USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 to a user in terms of speed. The user is having problems comparing the two standards based on the values expressed in Mbps. Which explanation can the technician use that will best describe the relationship?

  • USB 2.0 is forty times as fast as USB 1.1.

What is the purpose of an IRQ?

  • Request information from the CPU.

A network administrator is troubleshooting a server that keeps crashing. While monitoring traffic to the server, the administrator notices repeated, larger than normal pings to the server. What is the name of this type of attack?

  • ping of death

A customer reports poor telephone communications when using a copper telephone line that also has a DSL service. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

  • The DSL filter is faulty or not connected.

Which key or key sequence pressed during the boot process will allow a user to restart a Windows PC using the last known good configuration?

  • F8
  • 6

Refer to the exhibit. A technician is troubleshooting a problem where a teacher is unable to connect a laptop to a wireless network. The wireless NIC is enabled and the wireless network configuration settings are correct. Which key would be used in conjunction with the Fn key to enable the wireless connection?

  • F7

Which steps lead to the window where the performance settings can be changed on a Windows XP computer that is using the classic view display?

  • Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Performance area > VMem

What are the four layers in the TCP/IP reference model?

  • application, transport, internet, network access

A technician is to document the current configurations of all network devices in a college, including those in off-site buildings. Which protocol would be best to use to securely access the network devices?

  • SSH

Which type of memory is used for cache memory?

  • SRAM

Which two memory types are installed using Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) slots? (Choose two.)


What approach should a technician take when receiving a call from a stressed customer?

  • Ask the customer to hold, and then wait five minutes for the customer to calm down.


Refer to the exhibit. Which type of device uses the connector shown in the graphic?

  • DVD drive

A customer needs to purchase a new power supply for a computer. What must be considered when selecting an appropriate power supply?

  • The power supply has sufficient wattage to support all components inside the computer.

A student enables file sharing on a laptop so that a friend can access music files. Which type of service is being configured?

  • peer-to-peer

Which are three steps in the laser printing process? (Choose three.)

  • fusing
  • writing
  • transferring

Which option is the most secure type of user authentication?

  • fingerprint scanner

What is the purpose of Windows Vista 64-bit Kernel Patch Protection?

  • It prevents the use of 32-bit drivers with the 64-bit Visa operating system.

A user has been writing data to a USB flash memory drive. What should the user do before removing the device?

  • Click on the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the system tray then on the device.

Which two general precautions should be taken before replacing any non-hot-swappable laptop component? (Choose two.)

  • Disconnect the power cord.

  • Remove any batteries.

A technician wants to create a new partition on a new additional hard drive. Which tool should be used?

  • Disk Management

Which port is used only for input?

  • PS/2

A technician has been asked to find how a hacker keeps breaking in to a computer. Which security precaution was most likely missed when the operating system was first installed?

  • A password was not assigned to the default administrator account.

What is the logical topology used for the Ethernet architecture?

  • bus

Once a technician understands a customer complaint, it is common to ask close-ended questions. Which question is a close-ended one?

  • Is this the first time the error occurred?

Which three customizable properties are available when right-clicking the Windows XP My Computer desktop icon and selecting Properties? (Choose three.)

  • virtual memory settings
  • automatic updates settings
  • computer name

A supervisor received a complaint that one of the technicians was rude and disrespectful. Which action by the technician most likely caused the customer to complain?

  • The technician occasionally confirmed an understanding of the problem.

A newly purchased scanner is not functioning as efficiently as expected. Which step should a technician take to improve performance?

  • Download drivers and utilities from the manufacturer web site.

When installing the Windows XP operating system, a technician is given a choice of file systems to use. If security is a requirement, which file system should be chosen?

  • NTFS

A user reports that a printer is printing unknown characters on documents. What is a possible solution to this issue?

  • Uninstall and reinstall the printer driver.

A technician needs to purchase a new video adapter for a computer. Which factors should be considered when selecting the adapter?

  • expansion slot type

A company uses a single computer to receive and test all Windows updates. When the most recent update was installed, several programs failed. What is the first course of action that a technician should attempt to remove the update?

  • Run a System Restore from the last restore point.

Why do mobile devices such as laptop computers use specially designed CPUs?

  • They consume less power.

A small business has used a high quality configurable flatbed scanner to scan a number of photographs to print as large posters. However, the quality of the images printed as posters is poor. What should the user do?

  • Increase the resolution of the scanner.

A technician is having trouble with laptops that keep overheating. What preventive maintenance procedure can be performed on the laptops to reduce this problem?

  • Clean the air vents.

Which power management method offers the most power management features?

  • ACPI

A workstation is experiencing an error that is caused by suspected dirty RAM contacts. Which two materials should be used to clean the RAM module? (Choose two.)

  • isopropyl alcohol
  • lint-free swab

A technician is asked to set up one hard drive that will support two operating systems and will store data files in three separate drive locations. Which partition settings will support these requirements?

  • 2 primary, 1 active, 1 extended, 3 logical

Which two file systems are available for selection during installation of Windows XP? (Choose two.)

  • FAT32

  • NTFS

What is the purpose of using thermal compound when installing a CPU, a heat sink, and a fan assembly on a motherboard?

  • to attach the heat sink firmly to the CPU

A technician is troubleshooting a problem where the user claims that access to the Internet is not working, but that there was access to the Internet the day before. Upon investigation, the technician determines that the user cannot access the network printer in the office either. The network printer is on the same network as the computer. The computer has assigned as an IP address. What is the most likely problem?

  • The router that connects this network to other networks is down.

Employees in the financial department have reported that an unknown technician has been asking questions about the network. Which type of attack might the employees be observing?

  • social engineering


Refer to the exhibit. A Cisco Networking Academy instructor is trying to print a flash graphic from the curriculum. The print job has gone into the print queue as shown. Based on the output, what should be the next step in solving this problem?

  • Check the printer cabling and power.

When installing a service pack or security patches on an operating system, what should be done to protect the system in the event of a faulty or aborted installation?

  • Create a restore point.

Which network protocol is used to automatically assign an IP address to a computer on a network?

  • DHCP

What is the default subnet mask for a Class A network?


A network administrator has finished migrating from a peer-to-peer network to a new client-server network configuration. What are two advantages of the new configuration? (Choose two.)

  • Individual users are in control of their own computers and network resources.

  • Data resources and access are centrally controlled.

What do the terms refresh rate, interlace, and aspect ratio explain?

  • image properties of a monitor

Where in Windows XP can the shutdown, hibernate, and standby modes be configured?

  • Start > Control Panel > Power Options

What must be done before a technician cleans a very dirty LCD screen on a laptop?

  • Remove the battery.

Which three things should be investigated first when troubleshooting a printer? (Choose three.)

  • equipment power

  • low-ink warning

  • out of paper

A printer has a paper jam. An impatient user has sent multiple print jobs of the same document to this printer. What can be done to remove these print jobs?

  • Cancel the jobs in the printer queue.
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