Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GOM Player (versi 2013)

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Pagi yang cerah agak mendung disini... Tapi semangat tidak lntur untuk menulis di blog ini.
Halo sobat Dreamer... How R u?
Apa kalian ceria?
Semoga saja selal ceria....
Hari ini saya lagi males ngapa-ngapain nih... Diluar sedikit gerimis, udara dingin, Huuuuu...
Tapi kemdian aku punya ide...Aku pengen nonton pilm, eh film...hehe...
Film yang action menarik loh... Tapi untuk memutar filmnya pake apa ya kalau dilaptop yang enak? Hmmm....
O iya...
Aku punya ide lagi. Pake GOM Player. Ini adalah software ntk memutar film yang terkenal saat ini. Disamping Media Classic dan VLC Media Player, GOM player menjadi salah satu favorit pengguna komputer. Seperti apa sih GOM Player itu????
Nih lihat keterangan dibawah ini....

GOM adalah media player GRATIS dengan codec audio & video populer built -in .

codec Finder

GOM Player mencakup banyak codec ( XviD , DivX , FLV1 , AC3 , OGG , MP4 , H263 dan lebih ) sehingga Anda tidak perlu menginstal codec terpisah untuk kebanyakan video. Bagi mereka yang membutuhkan video codec yang terpisah , GOM Player akan menemukan satu .

Bermain Patah AVI Files ( Dipatenkan )

Teknologi yang dipatenkan GOM Player memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat file dengan indeks rusak atau yang masih sedang didownload .

Dukungan Subtitle Powerfull

GOM Player mendukung SMI , SRT , RT , SUB ( dengan BEI ) file untuk subjudul . Anda bahkan dapat menyinkronkan subtitle dan video jika ada ketidakcocokan apapun .

Convenient Playlist

Jika Anda menjalankan file video dan sudah ada file dengan nama yang sama dalam direktori, maka akan secara otomatis ditambahkan ke daftar putar Anda . GOM Player memiliki format yang sama seperti playlist M3U , PLS , ASX .

Dukungan Berbeda Jenis Media

Seiring dengan format media yang berbeda seperti AVI , MPG , MPEG dan DAT , GOM Player juga mendukung format streaming Windows media ( WMV , ASF , ASX ) . Anda juga dapat menonton video berkualitas DVD dengan 5.1 channel audio output .


14.10 MB

Sekian dari saya....
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb.
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Final Media Player

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Final Media Player adalah software yang didirikan oleh persahaan Bitberry Software Aps.
Final Media Player adalah salah satu software pemutar video player. Disamping VLC player dan GOM player yang sangat terkenal, Final Media Player ikut bersaing dalam hal ini.

Software ini memilik support pada :
3GP, ASF, AVI, AVM, AVS, DAT, FLV, IFO, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, MPG, NSV, OGM, RM, RMVB, TP, TS, VOB, WMV dan memutar suara dan file musik seperti AAC, AC3, APE, DTS, FLAC, M4A, MKA, MP2, MP3, MPA, MPC, OFR, OGG, RA, TTA, WAV dan WMA.
Akhir Media Player adalah non-bloated, video sederhana gratis dan pemutar audio dan akan memainkan hampir semua file audio atau video Anda.
Semuanya termasuk dengan installer. Cukup download dan menjalankannya dan Anda akan dapat memutar video dan file audio langsung.

Oh .. dan itu benar: Ini adalah 100% gratis. Untuk nyata.
Itu adalah kata dari Websitenya...haha...


Jika anda menginginkannya anda bisa langsng pergi ke http://www.finalmediaplayer.com atau download disini.

Tapi maaf linknya online sobat...hehe...
Sekian dari saya wassalamualaikum....

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Winamp 5.70 3380

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Winamp adalah suatu pemutar media buatan Nullsoft, yang sekarang merupakan suatu cabang Time Warner. Winamp merupakan perangkat lunak freeware atau shareware yang dapat memainkan berbagi codec dan tipe audio dan juga dapat dikostumisasi.

Winamp versi terbaru
Winamp pertama diluncurkan oleh Justin Frankel pada tahun 1996. Pengembangan Winamp terkini mendapat pujian dari Ben Allison (benski), Will Fisher, Taber Buhl, Maksim Tyrtyshny, Chris Edwards dan Stephen (Tag) Loomis.
Pada tahun 2005, Winamp berkembang dari 33 juta pemakai bulanan sampai lebih 57 juta pengguna bulanan, menjadikan Winamp yang kedua yang sering digunakan untuk media pemutaran sedunia setelah Windows Media Player.

Pada tanggal 20 November 2013, AOL mengumumkan bahwa Winamp.com akan ditutup pada tanggal 20 Desember 2013, dan perangkat lunak akan tidak lagi tersedia untuk diunduh atau didukung oleh perusahaan setelah tanggal tersebut. Hari berikutnya, laporan tidak resmi muncul bahwa Microsoft sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan AOL untuk mengakuisisi kekayaan intelektual dari Winamp dan Shoutcast. Juga petisi daring diserahkan meminta AOL untuk melanjutkan pengembangan Winamp atau untuk melepaskannya open source.
Dengan rilis Winamp versi 5.66 pada tanggal 20 November 2013, AOL mengumumkan bahwa Winamp.com akan dimatikan pada tanggal 20 Desember 2013, dan Winamp akan berhenti ditawarkan untuk diunduh setelah tanggal tersebut.


Disini link downloadnya by FileHippo.

17.28 MB

Sekian dari saya. Wassalamualaikum....
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Aimp3 3.55. 1332

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AIMP (Artem Izmaylov Media Player) adalah audio player freeware untuk Windows. Ini ditulis oleh pengembang Rusia Artem Izmaylov, dan sekarang sedang dikembangkan oleh tim pengembangan AIMP. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi, pemutar audio responsif ringan. Sudah berdasarkan perpustakaan audio BASS tapi karena beta versi 3.00, ia memiliki mesin audio sendiri.
Artem Izmaylov merilis versi pertama dari AIMP dengan nama "AIMP Klasik" ​​pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2006.
Dalam versi 3, AIMP mendapat mesin audio sendiri, dan dukungan penuh untuk ReplayGain ditambahkan. Juga, antarmuka perpustakaan musik dirubah, dengan efek transparansi baru.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Minilyric 7.1.793 + Patch Full Version

1 komentar
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Selamat pagi, siang, sore, malam, pagi menjelang siang, siang menjelang sore, sore menjelang malam, maupn malam menjelang pagi. Hehe...
Apa kabar kalian semua  sobat?
Sekian lama saya tidak online di blog ini nih. Ya itu karena saya ada kepentingan pribadi deh...:p

Nah kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang dunia hiburan. Apakah itu?
Dalam kejenuhan pikiran kita mungkin membtuhkan satu hibran agar pikiran kita bisa fresh kembali. Salah satunya adalah dengan mendengarkan musik. Musik dapat membuat ketenangan pada jiwa. "Katanya sih..:D".
Akan tetapi disaat anda mendengarkan musik apakah anda tahu lirik lagunya?
Sulit mencari lirik lagu di mbah Google dan tak mau susah-susah?
Ini ni solusinya.
Pernah dengar tentang minilyric?
Minilyric adalah sebuah software yang diciptakan agar dapat menampilkan lirik saat menjalankan ebuah lagu. Lirik liriknya didesain dengan cara berjalan otomatis.
Tapi percma lah jika saya mengoceh saja tanpa anda mencobanya sendiri.... Maka dari itu saya menyarankan kepada anda untuk langsng saja menguduh software ini. Freeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Download disini.

Terima kasih atas kunjngannya...
Sekian dulu dari saya...

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cisco CCNA Discovery Chapter 4 (Kunci Jawaban)

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Assessment Settings - DHomesb Chapter 4 - CCNA Discovery: Networking for Home and Small Businesses (Version 4.0)

Which definition describes the term Internet?
  • a group of PCs connected together on a LAN
  • a group of PCs connected together by an ISP
  • a network of networks that connects countries around the world
  • a worldwide collection of networks controlled by a single organization

What type of connection point is a point of presence (POP)?

  • between a client and a host
  • between two local networks
  • between a computer and a switch
  • between an ISP and a home-based LAN 

What is the term for the group of high-speed data links that interconnect ISPs?

  • Internet LAN
  • ISP backbone
  • Internet gateways
  • Internet providers
  • Internet backbone

Which device can act as a router, switch, and wireless access point in one package?

  • hub
  • bridge
  • modem
  • repeater
  • ISR

What are three characteristics of business class ISP service? (Choose three.)

  • fast connections
  • extra web space
  • free Windows upgrade
  • cheapest cost available to all users
  • additional e-mail accounts
  • replacement hardware at no cost

What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?

  • Download speeds and upload speeds are equal.
  • Download speeds are slower than upload speeds.
  • Upload speeds and download speeds are different.
  • Upload speeds and download speeds are irrelevant.

Which three elements are required to successfully connect to the Internet? (Choose three.)

  • an IP address
  • file sharing enabled
  • a network connection
  • server services enabled
  • access to an Internet service provider
  • an address obtained directly from the RIR

What term describes each router through which a packet travels when moving between source and
destination networks?

  • NOC
  • ISP
  • hop
  • segment

What does the tracert command test?

  • NIC functionality
  • the ISP bandwidth
  • the network path to a destination
  • the destination application functionality

What type of end-user connectivity requires that an ISP have a DSLAM device in their network?

  • analog technology
  • cable modem technology
  • digital subscriber line technology
  • wireless technology

Why would an ISP require a CMTS device on their network?

  • to connect end users using cable technology
  • to connect end users using analog technology
  • to connect end users using wireless technology
  • to connect end users using digital subscriber line technology


Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?

  • STP
  • UTP
  • coax
  • fiber


Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?

  • STP
  • UTP
  • coax
  • fiber

Which two places are most appropriate to use UTP cabling? (Choose two.)

  • between buildings
  • in a home office network
  • where EMI is an issue
  • in a cable TV network
  • inside a school building
  • in a manufacturing environment with hundreds of electrical devices

What does adherence to cabling standards ensure?

  • data security
  • no loss of signal
  • no electromagnetic interference
  • reliable data communications


Refer to the graphic. What type of cable is shown?

  • crossover
  • eight coax channels
  • multimode fiber
  • single-mode fiber
  • straight-through

What connector is used to terminate Ethernet unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling?

  • ST
  • BNC
  • RJ-11
  • RJ-45 

Which two characteristics describe copper patch panels? (Choose two.)

  • uses RJ-11 jacks
  • uses RJ-45 jacks
  • supports only data transmissions
  • allows quick rearrangements of network connections
  • forwards transmissions based on MAC addresses

What are two advantages of cable management? (Choose two.)

  • requires no preplanning
  • aids in isolation of cabling problems
  • protects cables from physical damage
  • provides compliance with future standards
  • provides a short-term solution for cable installation

What are two common causes of signal degradation when using UTP cabling? (Choose two.)

  • installing cables in conduit
  • having improper termination
  • losing light over long distances
  • installing low quality cable shielding
  • using low quality cables or connectors

What are three commonly followed standards for constructing and installing cabling? (Choose three.)

  • pinouts
  • cable lengths
  • connector color
  • connector types
  • cost per meter (foot)
  • tensile strength of plastic insulator

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cisco CCNA Discovery Chapter 3 (Kunci Jawaban)

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DHomesb Chapter 3 - CCNA Discovery: Networking for Home and Small Businesses (Version 4.0)

Which two statements concerning networking standards are true? (Choose two.)

  • adds complexity to networks 
  • encourages vendors to create proprietary protocols
  • provides consistent interconnections across networks
  • ensures that communications work best in a single-vendor environment
  • simplifies new product development

Which two items are included in a network logical map? (Choose two.)

  • naming scheme
  • IP addressing scheme
  • length of cable runs 
  • physical location of networking devices 
  • specific layout of interconnections between networking devices and hosts

What is a reason for disabling simple file sharing?

  • It enables the user to map a remote resource with a local drive. 
  • It enables the user to share all files with all users and groups. 
  • It enables the user to share printers.
  • It enables the user to set more specific security access levels.

Which address does an NIC use when deciding whether to accept a frame?

  • source IP address 
  • source MAC address
  • destination IP address
  • destination MAC address
  • source Ethernet address

If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on the host, what is the impact on communications?

  • The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on the local network, but is unable to communicate with hosts on remote networks.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on remote networks, but is unable to communicate with hosts on the local network. 
  • There is no impact on communications.

Refer to the graphic. What does the router do after it determines that a data packet from Network 1 should be forwarded to Network 2?

  • It sends the data packet as it was received.
  • It reassembles the frame with different MAC addresses than the original frame.
  • It reassembles the data packet with different IP addresses than the original data packet. 
  • It reassembles both the packet and the frame with different destination IP and MAC addresses

What is the function of the FCS field in an Ethernet frame?

  • detects transmission errors
  • provides timing for transmission 
  • contains the start of frame delimiter 
  • indicates which protocol will receive the frame

Host A needs to learn the MAC address of Host B, which is on the same LAN segment. A message has been sent to all the hosts on the segment asking for the MAC address of Host B. Host B responds with its MAC address and all other hosts disregard the request. What protocol was used in this scenario?

  • ARP
  • DHCP 
  • DNS 
  • WINS

What is a benefit of having a router within the distribution layer?

  • prevents collisions on a local network
  • keeps broadcasts contained within a local network
  • controls which hosts have access to the network 
  • controls host-to-host traffic within a single local network

Which term is used to describe the process of placing one message format into another format so that the message can be delivered across the appropriate medium?

  • flow control
  • encapsulation
  • encoding 
  • multicasting 
  • access method

Which table does a router use to make decisions about the interface through which a data packet is to be sent?

  • ARP table
  • routing table
  • network table 
  • forwarding table

Which two networking devices are used to connect hosts to the access layer? (Choose two.)

  • router
  • hub
  • switch
  • server 
  • computer

What does the 100 mean when referencing the 100BASE-T Ethernet standard?

  • type of cable used 
  • type of data transmission
  • speed of transmission
  • type of connector required 
  • maximum length of cable allowed  

What device is typically used as the default gateway for a computer?

  • a server hosted by the ISP
  • the router interface closest to the computer
  • a server managed by a central IT department 
  • the switch interface that connects to the compute


Refer to the graphic. Five PCs are connected through a hub. If host H1 wants to reply to a message from host H2, which statement is true?

  • H1 sends a unicast message to H2, but the hub forwards it to all devices.
  • H1 sends a unicast message to H2, and the hub forwards it directly to H2. 
  • H1 sends a broadcast message to H2, and the hub forwards it to all devices. 
  • H1 sends a multicast message to H2, and the hub forwards it directly to H2.

Which type of address is used in an Ethernet frame header?

  • logical addresses only 
  • IP addresses only
  • MAC addresses only
  • broadcast addresses only

A switch receives a frame with a destination MAC address that is currently not in the MAC table. What action does the switch perform?

  • It drops the frame. 
  • It sends out an ARP request looking for the MAC address
  • It floods the frame out of all active ports, except the origination port.
  • It returns the frame to the sender.

Which device accepts a message on one port and always forwards the message to all other ports?

  • modem 
  • switch 
  • router
  • hub

If a router receives a packet that it does not know how to forward, what type of route must be configured on the router to prevent the router from dropping it?

  • dynamic route
  • default route
  • destination route
  • default destination

An integrated router can normally perform the functions of which two other network devices? (Choose two.)

  • NIC
  • switch
  • e-mail server 
  • application server
  • wireless access point

What is the purpose of logical addresses in an IP network?

  • They identify a specific NIC on a host device. 
  • They are used to determine which host device accepts the frame. 
  • They provide vendor-specific information about the host.
  • They are used to determine the network that the host is located on
  • They are used by switches to make forwarding decisions.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cisco CCNA Discovery Chapter 2 (Kunci Jawaban)

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DHomesb Chapter 2 – CCNA Discovery: Networking for Home and Small Businesses (Version 4.0)

A computer in the Advanced Technology Center computer room on the second floor, room number 217, has the computer name ATC_217_7. What fact is true about the computer name?
  • The name is dynamically assigned by the DNS server.
  • The name is required to allow connectivity to the DHCP server.
  • The name must include the floor number to support the SLA agreement.
  • The names of all devices in a workgroup must be the same to allow LAN connectivity.
  • The name makes it easier for users to reference the device when connecting to it to share resources
Which three pieces of information must be specified on a computer to allow that computer to send and receive information across networks? (Choose three.)

  • IP address
  • subnet mask
  • closest server
  • default gateway
  • operating system
  • network card manufacturer
Which operating system patch installation method is used when a user is notified of a security update for remotely accessing a computer, but wishes not to install this patch?

  • manual
  • automatic
  • semi-automatic
  • prompt for permission

What is the purpose of a default gateway?

  • physically connects a computer to a network
  • provides a permanent address to a computer
  • identifies the network to which a computer is connected
  • identifies the logical address of a networked computer and uniquely identifies it to the rest of the network
  • identifies the device that allows local network computers to communicate with devices on other networks

Which two statements should be included in a pre-installation checklist when upgrading an operating system? (Choose two.)

  • Verify that the hardware resources have multiple partitions.
  • Verify that the hardware resources meet or exceed the published minimum requirements.
  • Complete a full backup of all important files and data.
  • Overwrite any data currently contained on the drive to remove all contents.
  • Verify that the hardware resources are certified to work with the existing operating system prior to upgrading.

An operating system is severely damaged. All data on the partition needs to be deleted, and all application software must be reinstalled. Which installation method should be used to correct the problem?

  • clean install
  • upgrade
  • multi-boot
  • virtualization

Which method of interacting with an operating system involves typing commands at a command prompt?

  • CLI
  • GUI
  • redirector
  • kernel translator

What are three characteristics of an operating system that is released under the GPL (GNU Public License)? (Choose three.)

  • full access to source code
  • software often available free
  • structured development cycle
  • can be expensive to purchase
  • limits what end-user can do with code
  • support normally user-based and often free

What Explorer menu option is used to determine the Windows XP version installed on a computer?

  • Edit
  • Help
  • View
  • Tools
  • Favorites

What are two ways that a user can interact with an operating system shell? (Choose two.)

  • CLI
  • OS
  • GUI
  • NIC
  • kernel

What occurs when computers are configured to receive their network configurations dynamically?

  • Each computer receives a permanent IP address.
  • A network administrator enters information on each computer.
  • Each computer requests configuration information from a server.
  • An NIC automatically provides configuration information to the computer and stores that configuration information.

Which statement is true about installing an operating system on computers in a networked environment?

  • The computer name must be unique for all computers on the same network.
  • The operating system must be the same on all computers on the same network.
  • The amount of installed RAM must be the same on all computers on the same network.
  • The operating system must have the latest patch applied during the installation or it will not participate in the network.

Windows XP has a known problem with specific Intel processors. What is the best course of action to take in this situation?

  • Power off the computer and reinstall the CPU.
  • Delete Windows XP and perform a clean install.
  • Reinstall Windows XP to the same hard drive partition.
  • Reinstall Windows XP to a different hard drive partition.
  • Download and install the Windows patch that fixes this problem.
  • Replace the Intel processor with one that is approved by Microsoft.

What two items are available from the About Windows option through the Windows Explorer Help menu? (Choose two.)

  • a list of troubleshooting links
  • the end-user license agreement
  • a list of installed hardware devices
  • the date of the last Windows update
  • the operating system version number
  • a list of terms with links to definitions

Which Windows file system is more likely to be used in an enterprise-level environment?

  • ext2
  • ext3
  • NTFS
  • FAT16
  • FAT32

Which two statements are true about drive partitions? (Choose two.)

  • Partitions are necessary in multi-boot installations.
  • A hard drive can be divided into an operating system partition and a data partition.
  • User data is never overwritten when a drive is partitioned.
  • A disk partition is a defined section of an operating system.
  • Each partition requires a different file system type.

The Lesson TaskMaster application from ChalkBoard has a problem. Every time the software is installed and loaded on a Windows XP-based Dell computer, and the moment something is typed followed by a tab, two tabs are inserted instead of one. What would be the best solution to this problem?

  • Uninstall and then reinstall Lesson TaskMaster.
  • Download, install, and apply a patch from Dell.
  • Download, install, and apply a patch from Microsoft.
  • Download, install, and apply a patch from ChalkBoard.

Which three resource specifications are given by the manufacturer to ensure that an operating system performs as designed? (Choose three.)

  • type of keyboard
  • printer requirements
  • required video memory
  • required hard disk space
  • processor type and speed
  • recommended amount of RAM

Which two items must be unique to each computer and cannot be duplicated on a network? (Choose two.)

  • partition
  • file system
  • computer name
  • IP address
  • operating system

Which Windows XP Automatic Update option allows you to select the time when a Windows update is executed?

  • Automatic (recommended).
  • Install updates from the Windows Update web site.
  • Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.
  • Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cisco CCNA Discovery Chapter 1 (Kunci Jawaban)

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CCNA Discovery: Chapter 1 - CCNADiscovery: Networking for Home and Small Businesses (Version 4.0)

Answer is in bold letters

Applications can be grouped into general use software or industry specific software. What are two examples of industry specific software? (Choose two.)
  • an educational tool
  • presentation
  • spreadsheet
  • word processing
  • medical practice management software
  • database management

What characteristic of word processing software would make it a local application?
  • The application is shared between users.
  • The software is stored on the local hard drive.
  • The software is accessible through a web page.
  • The software has the ability to manipulate text and graphics
Which three terms describe different types of computers? (Choose three.)

  • operating system
  • Network
  • Laptop
  • Desktop
  • Windows
  • Mainframe
What are two benefits of connecting a laptop computer to a docking station? (Choose two.)

  • Mobility is increased.
  • Less power is required.
  • An external monitor can be used.
  • More wireless security options are available.
  • Alternate connectivity options may be available.

Why do servers often contain duplicate or redundant parts?
  • Servers require more power and thus require more components.
  • Servers should be accessible at all times.
  • Servers can be designed as standalone towers or rack mounted.
  • Servers are required by networking standards to have duplicate parts.
What measurement is commonly associated with computer processing speed?

  • Bits
  • Pixels
  • Hertz
  • Bytes
What are two advantages of purchasing a preassembled computer? (Choose two.)
  • usually a lower cost
  • exact components may be specified
  • extended waiting period for assembly
  • adequate for performing most general applications
  • suited for customers with special needs
A user needs to run multiple applications simultaneously on a computer. Which computer feature is important in the determination of how many simultaneous applications can be run?
  • amount of RAM
  • clock speed of CPU
  • driver for video card
  • amount of cache memory
  • size of hard disk
  • RPM speed of the hard disk
Which PC component is used to enable a computer system to exchange information with other systems on an Ethernet network?

  • NIC
  • serial port
  • parallel port
  • IR port
  • USB port

A computer user is interested in computer storage. Which storage device typically has the highest storage capacity?
  • Blu-ray disc

  • DVD disc

  • hard disk

  • static memory

Which low-cost component is designed to remove only overvoltages from a power line?
power supply
surge suppresor
extension cord that has an on/off switch
What two functions does a UPS provide that a surge protector does not? (Choose two.)
  • It protects the computer from voltage surges.

  • It provides backup power from an internal battery.

  • It protects the computer from sudden voltage spikes.

  • It gives the user time to phone the electrical company.

  • It gives the user time to safely shut down the computer if the power fails.

  • It provides backup power through a generator provided by the wall outlet.

Which computer component is considered the nerve center of the computer system and is responsible for processing all of the data within the machine?
video card
sound card
operating system
What can be used to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD)?
dry and non humid conditions
carpeted floor
grounding strap
uncluttered work space
Because of the potentially dangerous voltage levels, which two devices should you not open unless you have been specifically trained to work on them? (Choose two.)
  • Mouse

  • Printer

  • Monitor

  • Keyboard

  • hard drive

  • power supply

In newer operating systems, how are system resources assigned by default when components are installed?
manually assigned by the operating system
manually assigned by the administrator
statically assigned by the component to a preset resource
dynamically assigned between the component and the operating system

A user reports that a peripheral device that was installed correctly last week has not been functioning since the PC was booted today. All other PC functions are working properly. What are three things a service technician should do to solve the problem? (Choose three.)
  • Use the testing functionality on the peripheral itself, if available.

  • Verify that all cables are connected properly.

  • Disconnect all cables connected to the computer except those connected to the peripheral.

  • Ensure that the peripheral is powered on.

  • Disconnect the peripheral and verify that the computer is operating normally.

  • Reload the computer operating system.

Which two steps should be performed when installing a peripheral device? (Choose two.)
Download and install the most current driver.
Connect the peripheral using any cable and any available port on the computer.
Connect the peripheral using an appropriate cable or wireless connection.
Test the peripheral on another machine before installing it on the one where it will be used.
Check the computer documentation to see if the peripheral vendor is compatible with the PC vendor.

How is a server different from a workstation computer?
The server works as a standalone computer.
The server provides services to clients.
The workstation has fewer applications installed.
The workstation has more users who attach to it.
Administrators at a multicampus college need access to their schedules wherever the administrators go. Which computing device would be the most appropriate?
gaming device
How many unique values are possible using a single binary digit?
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Setting DNS Server dengan Debian Text

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DNS kepanjangan dari Domain Name System


Domain Name System (DNS) adalah distribute database system yang digunakan untuk pencarian nama komputer (name resolution) di jaringan yang mengunakan TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

DNS biasa digunakan pada aplikasi yang terhubung ke Internet seperti web browser atau e-mail, dimana DNS membantu memetakan host name sebuah komputer ke IP address. DNS dapat disamakan fungsinya dengan buku telepon. Dimana setiap komputer di jaringan Internet memiliki host name (nama komputer) dan Internet Protocol (IP) address. Secara umum, setiap client yang akan mengkoneksikan komputer yang satu ke komputer yang lain, akan menggunakan host name. Lalu komputer anda akan menghubungi DNS server untuk mencek host name yang anda minta tersebut berapa IP address-nya. IP address ini yang digunakan untuk mengkoneksikan komputer anda dengan komputer lainnya.

Langkah pertama login ke admin dulu. Caranya dengan ketik SU lalu masukkan password rootnya. Lihat gambar 1

Lalu ketikkan cd untuk ke direktori home. Selanjtnya install paket Bind. Caranya dengan ketik apt-get install bind9. <Enter>

Pindah ke direktori bind #cd /etc/bind <enter>.

Lihat gambar 2

Selanjtnya kita ganti IP kita terlebih dahulu. Caranya dengan mengetik #nano /etc/network/interfaces. Lalu enter.

Kemudian isikan data seperti gambar berikut

Diatas kita ganti mnjadi auto eth0. Yang Dinamic ganti dengan Static. Dan isikan data2 sbb:

Address (misal)

Netmask (misal)

Network (misal)

Broadcast (misal)

Lalu ctrl+x dan simpan file.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah restart network dengan perintah “#/etc/init.d/networking restart”. Enter

Dan cek ip anda. Dengan ketik ifconfig .

Langkah selanjutnya kita copy dlu file peting kita. Untuk mngetahui direktori penting kita ketik ls .

Nah file yang akan kita copy adalh file db.127 dan db.local . Misal nanti kita ganti nama copyannya dengan nama a dan b.

ketik # cp db.local a <enter>

Lalu ketik #cp db.127 b <enter>.

Cek filenya dengan ketik ls.

Edit isi file a. Ketik #nano a <enter>. Maka tampilannya akan seperti dibawah ini.

Lalu anda rubah nama localhost menjdi nama domin keinginan kalian. Misl = pras.fid. Kemudin edit alamat IP-nya menjadi alamat IP kalian tadi.

Sehingga akan tampil seperti dibawah ini.

Setelah selesai sperti gambar diatas, lalu keluar dan simpan.

Langah selanjutnya adalh edit file b. Edit localhost seperti file a tadi. Tapi pada text sebelum PTR ,ganti dengan network kalian. Misal kelas b= maka yang digunakan adalah 1.4. Jika penulis pakai kelas c 192.168..200, maka yang ditulis hanya 4.

Setelah selesai lalu keluar dan simpan.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah mengedit isi file named.conf atau named.conf.local.

Kalau kali ini penulis menggunakan file named.conf.local. Ketik #nano named.conf.local. Edit dengan menambah tulisan dibawah include.

Zone “pras.fid” {
Type master;
File “/etc/bind/a”;

Zone “200.168.192.in-addr.arpa” {
Type master;
File “/etc/bind/b”;

Lalu <enter> keluar dan simpan.

Setelah itu edit file resolv.conf. Caranya dengan mngetikkan #nano /etc/resolv.conf lalu <enter>. Maka anda edit sehingga menjadi sprti dibawah ini.

Keluar dan simpan.

Langkah terakhir adalah restart bind9. Ketik #/etc/init.d/bind9 restart lalu tekan <enter>.

Ini adalah contoh keberhasilan restart. Jika anda menemui hasil failed maka seharusnya anda mencari permasalahan dengan mengulangi dari awal.

Selanjutnya ketik #nslookup pras.fid

Dan ketik juga #nslookup

Dan ketik lagi #nslookup www.pras.fid

Maka itu bisa dikatakan sempurna. Hhe...

catatan :

kaliyan jangan mengedit file db.local dan db.127.

Sekian dan ckp dulu turorial dari saya. Semoga bermanfaat bagi sobat dreamer. Bila ada salah ucap mohon dimaafkan.

Jika kalian mengalami kesulitan silakan tanya kepada saya dengan cara komen di bawah. Atau kalian bisa bertanya kepada bapak dan ibu guru kalian.


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cara Membuat PES6 Seperti PES 2013

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السَّلاَÙ…ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…ْ ÙˆَرَØ­ْÙ…َØ©ُ اللهِ ÙˆَبَرَÙƒَاتُÙ‡ُ

 Apa kabar sobat Dreamer semua...?
Semoga sehat selalu. Disini penulis juga sehat kok, berkat kaliyan yang selalu hadir di sini. hehe.# lebey.
Nah sobat, pada pertemuan kali ini NICEDREAM akan mempostingkan tentang suatu yang sesuatu banget deh. Ini mungkin sangat berharga bagi pecinta PES diseluruh dunia. Tetapi kali ini kita akan membahas PES6. Yah.....apaan tuh? Hari gene masih pes6? udah gak jaman?

Hmm...masih jaman kok. Apalagi kalo tampilan pes6 jadi kek gini
Hah....!!! itu kan PES 2013?
Anda salah... Ini adalah pes6 yang modifikasi tampilan gambarnya seperti pes 2013. Gimana? Keren kan?
Nah Lebih dalamnya gambar pes6 yang dimodifikasi tampilanmnya seperti ini nih...
Sobat pes...itu dia tampilannya.
Jika sobat mau mencoba silakan klik link dibawah ini untuk download kitservernya. Ini namanya file e_text.

untuk cara memasangnya pertama ekstrak dulu file nya yang sudah di download tadi
kemudian copy E_teks nya yang sudah di download tadi
dan pastekan file nya di program file > konami > proevolusion soccer 6 > dat
dan kalau ada keterangan replaca di replace aja
Selanjutnya silakan main ya sob....

Ok cukup sekian. Terima Kasih.
Jangan lupa komennya ya sobat.:D:p
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